Get to know CMWA-Bamenda

The Cameroon Medical Women’s Association (CMWA) is a National Non-Governmental Organization recognized under the law governing, non-political and non -profit making organizations Cameroon. CMWA Bamenda is affiliated to the International Medical Women Association. The group started in 1990 and was approved in Yaoundé by the Ministry of Territorial Administration Via Prefectural Decision No. 00810/RDA/J06/BAPP of 23/05/1991.

This is the annual report of activities for CMWA Bamenda which is one of the branches in Cameroon based in Bamenda North West Region.

Our mission

To improve the health status of women and the girl child

Our vision

To create an environment where women and children an appreciable quality of life

Specific objectives

  • To improve access to prevention, treatment, care and support to PLWHIV

  • To improve the health status of women and the girl child

  • To improve the sexual and reproductive health of Women and girls of child bearing age

  • To improve the living conditions of orphans and other vulnerable children living with HIV/AIDS

  • To provide counseling to depressed women and children.

  • Support in vocational training through payment of training fees.

  • Provide financial literacy

Area of intervention

Primarily in the North West Region and focussing on the Mezam, Menchum and Boyo Divisions. CMWA' s head office is located in Bamenda.

Working Language

We are comfortable working in the following languages:

  • English

  • French

  • Pidgin

Recognition of our Work

CMWA has been recognized by Ministries in the Cameroonian Government, other non-governmental organizations and the media for its work. Please visit the Recognition page for additional details and downloads.

Our Team

CMWA is managed by a recruited staff, who is supported by a Board of Directors and other staff members.  The staff are responsible for tasks such as managing existing programs, developing new programs, managing the volunteers, providing support and training to the volunteers, carrying out research for future projects, and monitoring and evaluating existing projects.

CMWA Products and Services

  • Social Services

  • Economic Services

  • Lobby and Advocacy

Community Volunteers

ICMWA works with many local community volunteers and community relay agents who support the home-based care program as well as its orphan and vulnerable children program.  CMWA also works closely with community development associations in its local economic development projects.



National Episcopal Conference of Cameroon (NECC), Ministry of Public Health, MINISTRY of Social Affairs,

Our Partners

CMWA is well respected in the North West Region and Cameroon generally and has a successful track record in its undertakings with various partners.

CMWA works with partners such as: PEPFAR supported health facilities in Bamenda, NECC, RuWCED (making a difference), local economic development projects,  with the Ministries of Public Health, and Social Affairs, the Regional Technical Group,, Plan Cameroon  and on health and orphans and vulnerable children programs.  CMWA has also worked with the International Labor Organization on child rights and women empowerment projects.

Activities Realized

  • Community Health

  • Healthy Agriculture,

  • Local Economic Development,

  • Child Rights, People With Disability Rights , People Living With HIV/AIDS Rights, Women and girls Empowerment, Capacity building of saving and loans cooperatives and Lobby and Advocacy for very and neglected vulnerable groups.


Finding sustainable sources of resources Lack of an appropriate vehicle for fieldwork ,

Risky Environment.

Targeted Population

People, particularly women and girls, living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA); Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC); People With Disability ; Village and quarter development associations (VDA); Savings/loans and farmer cooperatives; Various types of groups/associations; Single Adolescent Mothers (SAM)

Source of Resources


 Membership/annual dues Income Generating Activity Services rendered by staff and board members Grants and subsidies Support from individuals


 Registration of members Annual due Services rendered to members and workers Donations Grants and Subvention.


Hired staff , International and local community volunteers ,Board members , Consultants

  • Social Services

  • Economic Services

  • Lobby and Advocacy


Participatory Action Research

coupled with systemic approach and collaboration with  development  actors.

Way Forward

  • Develop and implement a resource mobilization strategy to ensure the sustainability of CMWA

  • Search for funding to implement CMWA’s plan to build a safe space Build CMWA’s understanding and ability to carry out lobbying and advocacy and to mobilize others to join CMWA

  • To further develop CMWA’s M&E system to ensure quality analysis Develop and strengthen CMWA’s partnership with councils

  • Continue to market CMWA in Bamenda and Cameroon

  • More entrepreneurship training to women with disability

  • Update the Website and prepare a good communication plan

Wish List

  • Vehicles to facilitate CMWA’s field work

  • Scholarships for Single Adolescent Mothers

  • Construction of a safe space and a big  hall

  • Expansion of existing programs

  • Increase scope of health programs to include health promotion

  • Continue work on birth certificates lobbying

  • Provide soft loans and entrepreneurship capacity  to People  with HIV and Disability.

  • Train community volunteers on disability mainstreaming.

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
